# Date: 2009-09-01 18:00:30
# From: binghuo
# To: thesupremelord
# Subject: Re(2): about AFK
I know some player go AFK not on purpose, but because of network or some other problem. However, we are not able to identify it based on our tech. So our definition of AFK is "-2 luck received" regardless of the reason behind it.
Anyway, since it bring inconvenience to other players in the battle ( such us long waiting and unhappy playing), do you think you should say sorry to them and give them a small compensation?
How about 100 gold to each of them? It will not cost you much, but it's a way to express your appologize.
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# Date: 2009-09-01 09:15:22
# From: thesupremelord
# To: binghuo
# Subject: Re: about AFK
First it isnt my fault i go afk in group battles. it is because my network connection is very weak. this is the reason why i have given up group battles for the past weak and intend not to take part in any group batlle for a long time now. i am sorry for the afks but icannot pay the gold because currently i am in a god crisis. I f u wish u can take away my recruiter powers though. Sorry for the afks once again