# Date: 2009-07-29 20:07:39
# From: binghuo
# To: Ranmatrix
# Subject: Re: Ranmatrix AFK
Hi, I received a complain about your AFK in a battle: http://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=13404423
07-29-09 16:08[Full] [Chat]: Ranmatrix[4] vs Spurgu[4]
It's againt our clan rules to go AFK, unless you pay every player in the battle n*100 gold (n= your combat lvl) and say sorry to them in 24 hours of the battle.
For detail about our clan rules:
Hope you can learn something from this process. If you would like to follow our rules, we would like to give you a second chance to be a good player.
If you have any question, plz feel free to ask.