Quote (ViolentReaper)
does the spell damage include spells cast by mobs?
The answer is yes
# Date: 2009-06-02 07:54:24
# From: yjfish
# To: binghuo
# Subject: Re: question
ok, like this--
phase got no enchant, his 6 lore did 52 damage to a DE with 14% fire-resist and 5% magic proof. Take it as 19%, the base damage would be 65.
Jabbar got 10% fire enchant, his 6 lore did 65 damage to a demon with 10% fire resist. So it is even, the enchant has effect, both the jewelry and armor parts.
# Reply
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# Date: 2009-06-02 07:24:15
# From: binghuo
# To: yjfish
# Subject: question
Does your enchanting can increase the spell damage of creature? Druid, magi...