25 2009-08-03 04:32:28
Thanks for MasterTI's information, and Jedi-Knight's data. Now I see, the army of caravans do changes when you change your faction.
But when it's come to the question: Which faction is easier in ambush? There is another factor we need to consider, the power of the faction.
DE is the best faction as thief, not only because it faces less enemy, but also because it kills enemy fast.
On the other extreme side, Wizard is the worst one as thief, because it faces most enemy, but also because nowhere for Garg to hide.
For Knight (the faction I played most), thief job is not that hard (at least before I reach lvl 10 or 11). I guess one reason is it's large army and high defense, so can last long.
Just my opinion, would like to hear more from you. ![smile](